Evopipes quality policy
We are an innovative, responsible, and continuously developing polymer pipe and pipe system manufacturing company. Our quality policy is binding to the implementation of the mission and vision to meet the needs of our customers and provide a safe working environment for our employees.
The quality management system is based on the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standards, legislative requirements, and internal process, product, and management requirements determined by the company. Continuous improvement of the system is ensured, based on regular performance reviews, to be able to achieve the set goals and meet the mentioned requirements.
The quality management system is implemented in all the company's operational processes, covering all structural units, infrastructure, resources, and stakeholders, respecting the company's defined values - development, efficiency, customer orientation, teamwork, and respect.
Evopipes environmental policy
As a continuously manufacturing and development-oriented company, we understand the impact of our activities on the environment, and how we can change these impacts through our actions.
The environmental management system implemented in the company, based on the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard, also meets the requirements set by the legislation, and this compliance is periodically reviewed.
We are committed to protecting the environment, preventing its pollution, maintaining best practices in waste management, and using resources sustainably through material recycling, reuse, and other basic principles of the circular economy. To implement it, we have set goals for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and improvement of performance in the field of environment.
All employees of the company are involved in the implementation of this policy. We are educating and encouraging them to act responsibly for environmental protection and pollution prevention.
Evopipes energy policy
As a company whose production process is based on energy consumption, we are aware of the importance of saving energy resources and their efficient use to reduce overall costs and negative impact on the environment.
The energy management system implemented in our company complies with the ISO 50001:2018 standard and legislative requirements, which are periodically reviewed. We strive for continuous improvement of energy performance and management system, by setting goals and tasks in the field of energy management, supplying the necessary resources for development, and analyzing information sources.
Energy efficiency is considered a factor when making new business decisions, and implementing projects for the development, reconstruction, or improvement of premises, equipment, systems, and processes. We support the purchase and use of energy-efficient products and services.
All employees of the company are involved in the implementation of this policy, through training and encouraging sustainable behavior.

ISO 9001 “Quality management system”
Standard ISO 9001 has been implemented and certified since 2009. Requirements of it cover all departments, and processes and are still maintained and improved. A satisfied customer is our best reputation therefore the quality of our products and processes is the main priority.
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate ENG
Production and trade of plastics piping systems (Bureau Veritas)
ISO 14001 “Environment management system"
Since 2018 we have certified the Environment management system ISO 14001, which approves our commitment to protect the environment and reduce negative impact by sorting waste, minimizing resource consumption, and educating employees and business partners.
ISO 14001:2015 Certificate ENG
Production and trade of plastics piping systems (Bureau Veritas)
ISO 50001 “Energy management system”
As a responsible manufacturer, Evopipes Energy management system ISO 50001 has been certified since 2018. That means that monitoring energy performance and improvement of energy efficiency is a part of the company's goals to reduce resource consumption, costs, and negative impact on the environment.
ISO 50001:2018 Certificate ENG
Production and trade of plastics piping systems (Bureau Veritas)
Every action directly or indirectly has an impact on the environment, so we are responsible for what is left behind and how our actions affect the environment. This applies to the manufacturing process and the supply chain, as well as the finished product when it reaches the end consumer. In the decision-making process, evaluation of the environmental aspect and taking it into account is a part of our daily life and a necessity.
EPD downloads

Renewable electricity
We also think about the environment beyond the requirements of these standards, such as when purchasing electricity, created from 100% renewable natural resources.
Evopipes POWERED BY GREEN EN 2024 AS "Latvenergo"
Use of environmentally friendly electricity produced from 100% renewable energy sources in Latvia
Socially protected workers
We have already defined in our mission that an employee, who is not only competent in his field but also socially protected and motivated, plays an essential role in creating a quality product. Such employees are reliable, responsible, and productive, and we take care of social protection, occupational safety, and development by investing in raising qualifications for our employees. We support, protect, educate, and otherwise treat society and other interested parties in a socially responsible manner.

Youth engagement activities
Since 2020, we have been happy to allow students to look into the daily routine of our company and gain experience that will allow them to decide on their future studies and profession by participating in the career education program "Ēnu diena" organized by Junior Achievement Latvia.
Evopipes quality policy
We are an innovative, responsible, and continuously developing polymer pipe and pipe system manufacturing company. Our quality policy is binding to the implementation of the mission and vision to meet the needs of our customers and provide a safe working environment for our employees.
The quality management system is based on the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standards, legislative requirements, and internal process, product, and management requirements determined by the company. Continuous improvement of the system is ensured, based on regular performance reviews, to be able to achieve the set goals and meet the mentioned requirements.
The quality management system is implemented in all the company's operational processes, covering all structural units, infrastructure, resources, and stakeholders, respecting the company's defined values - development, efficiency, customer orientation, teamwork, and respect.
Evopipes environmental policy
As a continuously manufacturing and development-oriented company, we understand the impact of our activities on the environment, and how we can change these impacts through our actions.
The environmental management system implemented in the company, based on the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard, also meets the requirements set by the legislation, and this compliance is periodically reviewed.
We are committed to protecting the environment, preventing its pollution, maintaining best practices in waste management, and using resources sustainably through material recycling, reuse, and other basic principles of the circular economy. To implement it, we have set goals for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and improvement of performance in the field of environment.
All employees of the company are involved in the implementation of this policy. We are educating and encouraging them to act responsibly for environmental protection and pollution prevention.
Evopipes energy policy
As a company whose production process is based on energy consumption, we are aware of the importance of saving energy resources and their efficient use to reduce overall costs and negative impact on the environment.
The energy management system implemented in our company complies with the ISO 50001:2018 standard and legislative requirements, which are periodically reviewed. We strive for continuous improvement of energy performance and management system, by setting goals and tasks in the field of energy management, supplying the necessary resources for development, and analysing information sources.
Energy efficiency is considered a factor when making new business decisions, and implementing projects for the development, reconstruction, or improvement of premises, equipment, systems, and processes. We support the purchase and use of energy-efficient products and services.
All employees of the company are involved in the implementation of this policy, through training and encouraging sustainable behavior.
Evopipes privacy policy
1. Introduction
With this Privacy policy, we aim to inform data subjects about the processing of personal data which may come into our possession within the scope of our commercial activity.
Your personal data is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/379 (hereinafter- “GDPR”), the Law on the Processing of Personal Data, and other regulatory acts.
When providing our products and services, Evopipes works mostly with legal entities and according to Recital 14 of the GDPR, the Regulation does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal persona and the contact details of the legal person. In addition, if a person is the self-employed and person`s data is related to commercial activity, it can be considered as legal entity data.
At the same time, in certain cases, Evopipes operates with natural persons, or the processing of personal data affects the employees of Business partners. Accordingly, this Privacy policy provides information on the processing of personal data in such cases.
If you have additional questions about how we process your personal data or, if you wish to forward us requests for exercising the rights involved in personal data processing, please contact us using the contact details provided in the section “Contact information”.
2. Contact information
SIA Evopipes
Address: 2A Langervaldes Street, Jelgava, LV-3002
Phone: +371 63094300
E-mail address: info@evopipes.lv3. Terms and definitions
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679
You (as data subject) – a natural person – an existing or potential client, or client`s representative. A natural person whose data is or might be processed by Evopipes.
Personal Data – means any information related to an identified or identifiable data subject.
We – SIA Evopipes – a legal person who may mean Evopipes within this Policy.
Counterparty – legal or natural person, or legal entity that we collaborate with on a business-to-business basis. Every buyer or every seller.
LPMLTPF – Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism and Proliferation Financing
4. Legal bases and purposes of processing Personal Data
Evopipes may process Personal data for such purposes and bases on such legal bases:
Collected personal data
Legal bases
Provision of services and sales of products to natural persons Name, e-mail, address, telephone number, and bank account. Data processing is legal because necessary for the performance of agreements. GDPR, article 6 (1)(b). Provision of services and sales of products to legal persons. Contact details of the legal person`s representative: name, e-mail, telephone number, job position Data processing is legal because necessary for the performance of agreements. GDPR, article 6 (1)(b). To perform a legal obligation applicable to Evopipes
For example, the fulfillment of accounting requirements regarding settlements, customer identification, etc.Name, e-mail, address, and telephone number. Data processing legal basis is GDPR article 6 (1)(c). To perform “know your counterparty”, fraud, terrorism, sanctions list checks, and other compliance checks, including identification of Ultimate beneficial owners. The name and citizenship of Ultimate beneficial owners and authorized persons. Data processing is legal because necessary for the performance of the obligations specified in regulatory acts (LPMLTPF and Sanction Law). For marketing needs. We may send you commercial notices, invite you to seminars organized by Evopipes and send you materials from our organized events. Name, e-mail, address, and telephone number. Depending on the legal relationship between you and SIA Evopipes, the legal basis is GDPR Article 6 (1)(a), GDPR Article 6 (1)(b), or GDPR Article 6 (1)(f). Evopipes uses video surveillance cameras on the premises and in the territory of the company for the safety of employees, and visitors, for the protection of property and to defend the legal claims and legitimate interests of Evopipes. Security camera recordings. Read the separate section on using security cameras “video-surveillance”. Provision of website. Data collect with cookies. Read the separate section on using cookies. 5. How we collect Personal Data
We may acquire your personal data in one of the ways provided hereinafter:
- in the process of signing an agreement, by acquiring data from you;
- on our website evopipes.lv, by using cookies;
- from security cameras records;
- form credit history databases;
- form other publicly available registers in order to very and update information about counterparty, their representatives, and their Beneficial owners, in accordance with the requirements provided for the regulatory enactments on compliance with the LPMLTPF and international sanctions.
6. Transfer of Personal Data
Evopipes does not transfer personal data to third parties, except when possessing the legitimate right under applicable law or there is obtained the consent of the data subject.
7. Automated individual decision making
Evopipes do not use Your data for adopting automated decisions.
8. Retention period
Evopipes stores and processes Personal Data as long as at least one of the following criteria exists:
- There is a contract in force between Evopipes and Client or Partner;
- As long as Evopipes or Client, or Partner can exercise their legitime interests in line with external law and regulations;
- As long as Evopipes has a legal obligation to store data (for example, in accordance with the Accounting law);
- While your consent is valid to the respective Personal Data processing.
9. Your rights as a data subject
The normative framework of Data protection grants you the right to affect the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please submit a written application to Evopipes: in person (passport or ID card must be brought with you) at our premises or by sending us a submission signed with a secure electronic signature to info@evopipes.lv
After receiving the application, Evopipes will identify you (will make sure that you are the same person you claim to be) and will give you an answer within one month. If necessary, the mentioned period can be extended for another two months, considering the complexity and number of requests. Evopipes will inform you of any such extension and the reasons for the delay within one month of receiving the request.
You have rights:
- To access Your Personal Data by requesting information about which Personal Data Evopipes is processing (GDPR article 15);
- To rectification if Your Personal data is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete (GDPR article 16);
- To limit the processing of your Personal Data until the lawfulness of your Personal Data processing is verified (GDPR article 16);
- To erase Your Personal data (GDPR article 17);
- To request notification regarding the rectification, limitation, or deletion of your Personal Data (GDPR article 19);
- To withdraw previously given consent to process their personal data (GDPR article 7);
- To lodge a complaint to State Data Inspection (dvi.gov.lv).
10. Video-surveillance
Evopipes is using surveillance cameras in the premises and territory of the company, including for the safety reasons of employees, visitors, premises, and assets, to defend Evopipes legal claims and legitimate interests.
Background information on the processing of personal data regarding video surveillance can be found in the company`s Video Surveillance Policy and on informational signs in the company`s territory.
11. Use of cookies
Cookies are small files of letters and digits, which are sent to your device while visiting a website, and which the website saves to your device when you open the page. During the next each visit time cookies are sent back to the website, and it recognizes the cookies. Cookies can be used to track the pages you visit on the webpage, save the information you enter, and remember your preferences.
Evopipes uses cookies on its website. How the cookies are used is stated in Evopipes cookies policy, available on the website www.evopipes.lv
12. Privacy policy expiry and amendments
We are entitled to unilaterally amend, correct, supplement, or erase part of this Privacy policy at any time by notifying the changes on the Evopipes website www.evopipes.lv
Evopipes cookies policy
1. Introduction
We use cookies to help improve your experience of our website www.evopipes.lv . In cases where the collected Personal Data is being processed, information about processing can be found in the Evopipes Privacy policy.
If you don’t wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from www.evopipes.lv . In such a case, we may be unable to provide you with some of desired content and services.
2. Contact information
For questions and/or comments about our Cookie policy, please contact us by using the following contact details:
SIA Evopipes
Address: 2A Langervaldes Street, Jelgava, LV-3002
Phone: +371 63094300
E-mail address: info@evopipes.lv3. What are cookies
Cookies are small files of letters and digits, which are sent to your device while visiting a website, and which the website saves to your device when you open the page. During the next visit, cookies are sent back to the website, and it recognizes the cookies. Cookies can be used to track the pages you visit on the webpage, save the information you enter and remember your preferences.
4. Cookie categories
We use two cookie categories on our website:
Essential Cookies Essential cookies guarantee functions without which you would not be able to use this website as intended. These are merely technical cookies and they do not track your browsing activities. Analytical / Performance cookies
Performance cookies collect information about the way a website is used. These cookies are used to improve user experience.
5. Cookies list
XSRF-TOKEN Intended to secure website by preventing cross-site request forgery attacks. Do not store any personally identifiable information.
Essential Cookie 1 day
laravel_session This is used to hold information about your current visit with us.
Essential Cookie
1 day
_ga Google Analytics cookie. Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Analytical cookie
2 years
_ga_# Google analytics cookie. It is used to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit.
Analytical cookie
2 years
_gid Google Analytics cookie. Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Analytical cookie
1 day
_gat Google Analytics cookie. it is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high-traffic sites.
Analytical cookie
1 day
Google analytics cookie. It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor`s device and behavior.
Analytical cookie
Remembers that the user has allowed analytics cookies.
1 day
Remembers whether the notice of cookie use has been closed.
5 years
6. Managing cookies
When visiting Evopipes website, a notification is displayed stating that the website uses cookies. When starting to use the website, you may select what cookies you will enable to use. It should be considered that you cannot refuse the use of required cookies, because the provision of valuable use of the website is not possible without them. By clicking “Accept”, the act of acceptance becomes the legal grounds for the use of cookies and the users confirm that they have read the information on cookies, and their purposes of use.
You can change your selection at any time.
7. How to change selected cookies
If you wish to limit or forbid the acceptance and storage of cookies on your devices or to delete the cookies already saved, such actions can be performed by using the web browser's settings. To learn more about managing cookies, visit the following site:
If you wish to allow or withdraw your consent to analytical cookies, please change your choice in cookies settings and push the button “Save changes”.
8. Information changes
This policy can be changed from time to time without notice because we are constantly working on improving and developing this website. We comply with the laws governing the use of cookies and consider the generally accepted practices related to the use of cookies.
All changes in the cookies policy will be published on company webpage www.evopipes.lv
If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, please read the company`s privacy policy, which can be found on our website.
Evopipes video surveillance policy
1. Introduction
This video surveillance policy (hereinafter – Policy) applies to video surveillance performed by Limited Liability Company Evopipes, Reg. No. 50003728871, registered office address: 2A Langervaldes Street, Jelgava, LV-3002 (hereinafter referred to as – Evopipes)
2. Controller and its contact information
Evopipes informs you that, in relation to personal data processing, and in this case - video surveillance, Evopipes is considered to be the personal data controller in the sense specified by the General Data Protection Regulation.
Evopipes’ contact information regarding personal data processing matters is as follows:
Address: 2A Langervaldes Street, Jelgava, LV-3002
Phone: +371 63094300
E-mail address: info@evopipes.lv3. What personal data is being processed?
Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“the data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one, who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular with reference to an identifier.
In this case, video surveillance recordings contain personal data, including:
- An image of the person (appearance, behavior of the person);
- Location of the recording (room, camera angle);
- Recording time (date, time).
The CCTV system operates in motion sensitive mode.
Evopipes uses information signs to inform you about video surveillance. These signs are positioned in easily visible places and contain the information specified in Paragraph three of Section 36 of the Personal Data Processing Law. In other words, information about Evopipes and its contact information, the purpose of the data processing as well as an indication regarding the possibility of obtaining other information referred to in Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
4. What is the purpose and legal grounds for video surveillance?
Evopipes conducts video surveillance for the following purposes:
- to ensure the protection of its legal interests, including the protection of its property and the prevention of unlawful activities;
- in order to ensure the review of complaints from customers and suppliers regarding the quality and volume of goods and services;
- in order to protect real estate and other property against risks of fire;
- in order to ensure the implementation of occupational safety and health protection in the workplace at night or during weekends when managers are not present, and in order to ensure the investigation of accidents at work.
The legal grounds for the processing of personal data are compliance with Evopipes’ legitimate interests (Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sub-clause f) of the General Data Regulation). In other words:
- The legitimate interests of Evopipes in protecting its property and preventing unlawful activities;
- The legitimate interests of Evopipes in settling disputes with customers and suppliers effectively;
- The legitimate interests of Evopipes in managing fire safety measures within its territory;
- The legitimate interests of Evopipes in ensuring an effective occupational health and safety system, in conformity with the requirements of the Labor Protection Law.
5. Who has access to personal data?
A video surveillance recording may be obtained or reviewed by recipients in the following categories:
- Outsourced service providers, who provide security services to Evopipes and access video surveillance recordings. An outsourced service provider has been contracted as the personal data processor in accordance with Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
- outsourced service providers performing the installation and maintenance of the video surveillance system. An outsourced service provider has been contracted as the personal data processor in accordance with Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
- Evopipes’ employees designated in an order, who are entitled to access video surveillance recordings;
- in the event of an accident at work, video recordings may be transferred to an insurance company for investigation of the insurance incident;
- State Labor Inspectorate in order to verify that the requirements of the Labor Protection Law are being complied with;
- Evopipes may hand over videos to law enforcement bodies in order to investigate a criminal offence.
Transfer or posting of video surveillance recordings to the media or on social networks etc. is not permitted.
Evopipes will not transfer your personal data outside the European Union or European Economic Area.
6. Selection and installation of video cameras
When installing CCTV cameras, Evopipes complies with the recommendations of the European Data Protection Board and the State Data Inspectorate and takes the following factors into consideration:
- Evopipes carefully selects the positions of the video cameras so that their surveillance area does not extend beyond that which is necessary;
- video cameras shall be installed, ensuring the corresponding recording quality;
- Evopipes shall position video cameras so that they are secure from unauthorized access and protected from damage;
- no video cameras shall be positioned in places where individuals expect especially high privacy protection, e.g., toilets or employees’ restrooms;
- recording images shall bear the exact time and date when the record was made;
- regular technical maintenance of video cameras is ensured;
- video surveillance cameras are not used to record conversations between people. Audio recording is deactivated;
- video surveillance is not used to control the volume or quality of work performed by employees.
7. Selection and installation of video cameras
Video surveillance recordings are deleted after 30 days.
Where the recording in question is required to protect the legitimate interests of Evopipes or other persons, e.g., in the course of a dispute or legal proceedings, it may be stored for longer until this objective has been attained.
8. Personal data security
Evopipes continually reviews and improves safeguards to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and destruction, etc. In order to accomplish this, Evopipes uses state-of-the-art technologies and complies with appropriate technical and organizational requirements.
Only specially authorized employees of Evopipes are entitled to access video surveillance recordings based on the need to receive this information for the performance of their job duties. Before authorized employees access video surveillance recordings, they need to obtain authorization.
Employees are also prohibited from:
- transforming or modifying recordings in any way;
- transferring them to media;
- using them for commercial purposes;
- presenting them to unauthorized persons or other employees not authorized to access these recordings;
- copying files containing personal data to private external media (USB memory sticks etc.). Copying video footage to Evopipes’ external media is permissible if this is done with the intention to transfer the footage to the data subject or to law enforcement bodies.
9. In what cases are video recordings reviewed?
The employees responsible are entitled to review the video recordings in the following instances:
- a complaint has been received from a customer or supplier;
- an accident, occupational health and safety incident or some other incident has occurred;
- in order to ensure the implementation of occupational health and safety protection in the workplace at night or during weekends;
- unlawful activities are suspected;
- a request has been received from the data subject for the issue of a video surveillance recording;
- a request has been received from the State Labor Inspectorate or another governmental body;
- a request has been received from the police or other law enforcement bodies;
- in other exceptional instances, subject to authorization.
10. What are your rights?
The regulatory framework in the realm of data protection entitles you to influence the processing of your personal data. In order to exercise this right, please:
- submit a written application to Evopipes by post or in person (please bring a passport or ID card with you) or;
- send an application signed with a secure electronic signature to: info@evopipes.lv.
Upon receipt of your application, Evopipes will identify you, i.e., make sure that you are the same person you are presenting yourself as, and provide you with a reply within one month.
You have all the rights guaranteed by the General Data Protection Regulation, including:
- The right to access personal data and receive information about its processing. In regard to receiving a video recording in order to exercise this right, you must provide Evopipes with all the necessary information about yourself (e.g., your photograph, description of clothing, date and time, etc.) to enable us to identify you in the video recordings. Evopipes shall ensure that no more data is provided than is necessary. For example, if a video recording is several hours long, but you are only briefly visible on it, you are only entitled to access the fragment of time that applies to you. If other people also appear in the video in which you appear, Evopipes shall carefully assess whether it is necessary to mask the data of these third persons data before issuing the recording to you. Evopipes will not issue a video recording to you if reasonable doubts arise regarding your visibility or the justifiability of the request;
- Correction of personal data. If the information processed about you is inaccurate or incorrect, you are entitled to request that this information be changed, clarified or corrected. Each situation will be assessed on an individual basis in order to ascertain whether this right is applicable, because the video recordings are in themselves accurate;
- Under certain circumstances, pursuant to Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to ask Evopipes to delete your personal data. After the data is no longer required, Evopipes shall delete it;
- Processing restriction. Under certain circumstances, you have the right to request Evopipes to restrict the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 18 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Each situation will be assessed on an individual basis;
- Right to object pursuant to Article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation for reasons related to your particular situation. In such an instance, the processing of the data of the individual objecting must be terminated unless Evopipes demonstrates that there are compelling legitimate grounds, which outweigh the rights and interests of the data subject;
- Portability of data. Under certain circumstances, pursuant to Article 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation, you are entitled to receive or transfer your personal data to another data controller. This right shall only apply to data provided by the data subject to Evopipes on the basis of its consent or contract;
- Right to be informed about a breach of personal data. You are entitled to information and Evopipes will inform you if a personal data breach has occurred that could pose a high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects;
- Right to apply to the State Data Inspectorate or to a court. We have the utmost respect for your privacy and therefore please contact us if you have any questions or queries. However, if you believe that your personal data are being processed inappropriately, you are entitled to apply to the State Data Inspectorate or a court.
Further information can be found in the General Data Protection Regulation, which is accessible online at: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/LV/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32016R0679
Code of ethics
Our code of ethics is value-based, which defines the behavioral principles and guidelines for how we treat each other, our business partners, and the company.
Evopipes code of ethics
Guidelines defining our mutual relations and our relations with cooperation partners.
DownloadCompany policies
- Used packaging (films, cardboard);
- LDPE bags of empty raw material;
- PP/PE scraps that the company cannot recycle itself;
- Metals.

The circular economy is the use of a product over the longest possible period of time, using opportunities for reuse, repair, sharing, or recycling. The aim is to extend the life cycle of the product, thereby reducing the consumption of new resources, CO2 emissions, and costs.

Evopipes' goal is to increase the volume of recycled and reused waste, therefore, allowing materials to extend their life cycle.
The following materials are sent for processing:
In 2022, we recycled 40% of all waste generated by the company.

Reuse of packaging
We work on packaging recycling by returning the pallets for secondary use.
PRS Green label certificate of appreciation 2023
In the process of purchasing raw materials, evopipes uses rental wooden pallets, which upon receipt are returned for re-use