Manhole CSL 1000.625

With corrugated pipe shaft

Connections DN/OD 160, 200, 250, 315, 400 mm
Manhole CSL 1000.625
Manhole CSL 1000.625
Manhole CSL 1000.625
Manhole CSL 1000.625
Manhole CSL 1000.625

Manhole DN 1000 [mm] with stationary or self leveling type D400 class cast iron cover and integrated steps. Welded solid according to ordered height and specification.

  • Base configuration:
    • 1B 180°
    • 3B 90°, 180°, 270°
    • 3BL 120°, 180°, 240°
    • 2BT 90°, 270°
    • 2BL 180°, 270° arba 90°, 180°
    • 1BB 90°.. 270°
  • Connection DN/OD 110 .. 400 [mm]
  • Access shaft DN 625 [mm]
  • Cover: D400 class, RAL GZ-692
  • Advantages

    Very long service life (>100 years)

    Reduced manufacturing costs

    Flexibile for movements in soil (no cracking of the manhole)

    100% watertight

    Flexibile connection to manhole +/- 3.75°

  • Recommended application
    Yards of multi-storey dwellings
    Parking places and vehicle storage areas
    Pavements, pedestrian and bicycle paths
    Stadiums and sport complexes
    Road construction (with and without transport load)
  • Manhole components
    Manhole CSL 1000.625


    1  to be used in cases of paving stone, gravel or green space.

    2  to be used in asphalt concrete pavement.

  • Technical information

    Installation depth


    Minimum instalation depth: 1.25 m

    Maximum installation depth is up to 6.0 m, if the ground water level is 2.0 m from the surface. If the ground water level is 0.0 m from the surface, the maximum installation depth is 5.0 m, according to the requirements of EN 13598-2 standard

    The spout of the manhole

    The spout of the manhole base is molten in white colour to facilitate CCTV control. The spout of the manhole is made with 100% filling and 0.5% fall. Racks along the spout are made of whit anti-slip profiled surface with fall in direction of the spout. 

    Manhole shaft



    Height-adjustment corrugated PP double-wall shaft DN/ID 1000 mm conform to the requirements of EN 13476-3 and EN 14802 standards

    Eccentric cone


    Manhole neck access hole DN 625 mm allows to enter the manhole during operation phase in case such need arises for the service personnel. Manhole cone can be shortened by 25 cm if necessary.

    Manhole covers


    Self-leveling type cast iron frame and cover, DN 700 [mm], installation class D400 (40t) corresponds to the requirements of EN 124-2 and RAL GZ-692 standard.

    Stationary type cast iron frame and cover, DN 600/746 [mm], installation class D400 (40t) corresponds to the requirements of EN 124 and RAL GZ-692 standard.

    Polymer ring adapter for self-leveling cover DN 710/870 [mm], durability tests are carried out corresponding to the requirements of EN 124 standard.

    Polymer height adjustment ring DN 700/875 [mm], durability tests are carried out corresponding to the requirements of EN 124 standard.

    Polymer support ring DN 680/1050 [mm], durability tests are carried out corresponding to the requirements of EN 124 standard.

  • Drawings

    Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G DWG

    DWG file format

    Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G DWG

    Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G PDF

    Manhole DN 1000/625 mm for wastewater sewer lines.

    Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G PDF

Manhole CSL 1000.625

With corrugated pipe shaft

Connections DN/OD 160, 200, 250, 315, 400 mm

Cover installation with support rings

Cover installation with reinforced concrete and polymer support rings

Cover installation with support rings

Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G DWG

DWG file format

Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G DWG

Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G PDF

Manhole DN 1000/625 mm for wastewater sewer lines.

Standard Drawing DN1000.625.G PDF

Order information

  Product Code
  Manhole covers
Self-leveling round cast iron frame and cover, DN 700 [mm] 820215700SL7300007
Stationary type round cast iron frame and cover, DN 600/746 [mm] 820215601ST7300038
  Shell ring adapter
Polymer shell ring adapter for self-leveling cover 822250836F80000000
  Polymer components
Polymer height adjustment ring, DN 700/875 [mm], h=15 [mm] 822072834340000000
Polymer height adjustment ring, DN 700/875 [mm], h=30 [mm] 822072834370000000
Polymer height adjustment ring, DN 700/875 [mm], h=50 [mm] 822072834N30000000
Polymer support ring, DN 665/1060 [mm], h=160 [mm] 822091832F70000000
  Concrete components (alternative solution)
Reinforced concrete support ring, DN 665/1060 [mm], h=160 [mm] 821072666850000000
Reinforced concrete height adjustment ring, DN 665/920 [mm], h=60 [mm] 821073T09840000000
  Cone selection
Eccentric cone with integrated stationary ladder, h=750 [mm] 817091106440000234
  Shaft selection
PP corrugated height-adjustment shaft, DN/ID 1000 [mm] 30500I1008003FT80B5
  Manhole base selection
Manhole base, type 1B, 0°, 180°, DN 160 [mm] 81704616040190W234
Manhole base, type 1B, 0°, 180°, DN 200 [mm] 81704620040190W234
Manhole base, type 1B, 0°, 180°, DN 250 [mm] 81704625040190W234
Manhole base, type 1B, 0°, 180°, DN 315 [mm] 81704631540190W234
Manhole base, type 1B, 0°, 180°, DN 400 [mm] 81704640040190W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 90°, 180°, 270°, DN 160 [mm] on request
Manhole base, type 3BL, 90°, 180°, 270°, DN 200 [mm] 81705020040100W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 90°, 180°, 270°, DN 250 [mm] 81705025040100W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 90°, 180°, 270°, DN 315 [mm] 81705031540100W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 120°, 180°, 240°, DN 160 [mm] on request
Manhole base, type 3BL, 120°, 180°, 240°, DN 200 [mm] 81705020040150W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 120°, 180°, 240°, DN 250 [mm] 81705025040150W234
Manhole base, type 3BL, 120°, 180°, 240°, DN 315 [mm] 81705031540150W234
on request


Socket adapter/chamber connection accessory DN 110 [mm] 8090201100000G0200
Socket adapter/chamber connection accessory DN 160 [mm] 8090201600000G0200
Socket adapter/chamber connection accessory DN 200 [mm] 8090202000000G0200

Coupling seal for GIGAPIPE shaft, DN 110 [mm] 8092071103G0000046
Coupling seal for GIGAPIPE shaft, DN 160 [mm] 8092071606G0000046
Coupling seal for GIGAPIPE shaft, DN 200 [mm] 8092072006G0000046*
  Hole saw on request

Product pictures are provided for informative purposes only.
Proportions and colours of the original production may differ from the pictures.


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